
We empower South African’s to discover their purpose and follow their dreams through mentorship, quality education, and job creation.

Releasing purpose, Awakening Dreams



Because we value family, both natural and spiritual, we refuse to place our work or ministry above our marriages and our children. As a spiritual family, we value relationships based on mutual love, honour and peace.


Empowerment is about helping others realize their value and potential. We will seek to empower youth and their parents through education, leadership development, and job skills training.

God’s Word

The Bible is the most published book in the world. When compared to other antiquities, the Bible is the most trusted book in the world. We accept the Bible as the ultimate authority and standard for how we live and what we believe. As leaders who are seeking transformation, we believe that the word of God is foundational to bring about true transformation in the lives of people and the communities that we serve.


We are committed to being accountable in our relationships, finances, and our faith. For us, accountability helps us develop our potential, gain trust from others, walk with integrity, and paves the way for us to achieve our goals.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” ~ Proverbs 11:14


The essence of Faith is hope. The outward expression of Faith is love. Therefore, we understand the powerful effect hope has upon every heart that it fills. A heart filled with hope has the ability to see the unseen and love the unloved. We will be a people that walk in faith, declare hope, and stir up one another to love.


Hospitality is warm, sweet, and welcoming. Our passion is to create an atmosphere of family and a place where people feel accepted and loved.