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This past month for Easter, we hosted a movie night for the children in Ikageng ext. 7. We showed the Voice of the Martyr’s animated Jesus film, Jesus: He Lived Among Us. We printed out movie tickets, permission slips, and had snacks for the children. The childrenwere required to bring a signed permission slip, which allowed us to know how many were attending. For most of the children, it was the first time to watch a movie, so we had the signed permission slips in minutes. The response was overwhelming. When the movie started we had 200 plus kids crammed inside a small aluminum siding building with standing adults in the back. In fact, we had at least 50 plus standing for the entire movie due to lack of space. For most of the kids it was the first time they had seen a movie about Jesus. You could hear the oooh’s and the aaahhh’s as Jesus was being crucified. To explain the movie we shared a short Gospel presentation and a large percentage of kids responded to the call to accept Jesus as their Savior. We’ve had amazing favor and response from the community.
